
Call for entry for the International Ethnographic Film Festival

Established in 2014, the International Ethnographic Film Festival was launched by Dr. Kós Károly Ethnographer’s Foundation. The Festival is held every year in the birthplace of Károly Kós in Sztána, Kalotaszeg Region, Romania. In 2023, the Museum of Ethnography took over festival arrangement duties and management of the selection process from the Foundation.

Date and Venue of the Film Festival: 22 to 25 August 2024, Sztána (Stana), Romania


The call for entry can be downloaded in English from the following link.

Eligibility Criteria

The Film Festival is accepting works made between 2020 and 2024.

An applicant may submit a total of three films.

Application language: Hungarian.

Films will have to be in Hungarian, otherwise subtitles in Hungarian must be provided.

Works already published in any media can also be submitted to the competition.

No submission fees.


Legal Requirements and Personal Criteria

In terms of citizenship and domicile, the event organizer does not impose any requirements or criteria on the applicants.

Individuals, studios and institutions are all allowed to enter the competition.




Topics include ethnography, as well as cultural and social anthropology, for example social phenomena, past and present community customs, family traditions, memories and living traditions of material culture. Artists are invited to submit works that primarily deal with the culture of the ethnic groups of the Carpathian Basin and Hungarians living in diaspora communities.


Documentaries and Educational Movies

Length of competition entries in the adult category: max. 90 minutes.

Technical Parameters

Please, upload movies to be submitted for pre-selection in min. 1080x1920 resolution with MP4 file to H264 encoding. Technically poor movies will be rejected by the pre-jury. An uncompressed file and a max. 2-minute summary (trailer) of each movie selected for the competition are to be submitted by 20 July 2024.



7 to 12 grade students are allowed to enter the competition with films made either individually or collectively.


Make a movie or video about contents, relics, leftover architectural memorabilia or customs that you don’t want to sink into oblivion!

Research your immediate and broader environment for community contents, family traditions or social phenomena, both historical and now existing, that bring some added value to our everyday lives and holidays, or introduce people who preserve until now the material and spiritual values of folk culture. Are you also a member of a well-defined group or subculture with specific traditions and value system? If so, you should also take part in this competition! Be special and creative, and develop synergies between content and atmosphere. Use various tools of the film language; originality is also an important measure of value.



Short Films

Do you also think that sometimes less is more? Would you present a vortex of emotions and traditions in less than 5 minutes? Trust your creativity and dazzle us. 


Do you feel that your message does not fit into 5 minutes? Then, be the master of reality yourself and present your “world” in a maximum of 12 minutes. Inspire us and make us think, too.

Social Media Content

Introduce us to the world of social media.

Be trendy and creative, and tag as many topic elements of this Call as possible in your 2-minute video. If we can vibrate together, you’ll be guaranteed to win the audience award.


Technical Parameters

You can use any image recording device (smartphone, video camera) to make your film for the competition. Please, upload the works submitted to the competition in MP4 landscape format (16:9).


Judging Criteria

Selecting special and unique subjects, as well as the creation of a mood and an atmosphere kept in coherence with the content are of importance for us. The creative and varied use of film language tools, technical ingenuity and originality are highly valued features.


Conditions for the Submission of Competition Works

When applying to the Film Festival, it is the Applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the submission is based on his/her/its own original movie idea, the submitted film does not constitute an infringement of the copyright, user and personality rights of any third party, and that the publication of the film does not violate any laws. When a legally protected (i.e. subject to trademark protection) brand, logo or any other design element of an existing product, third party or existing legal entity forms part of the application, the validity thereof is subject to the preliminary written consent of the respective rights owner.

Should an application violate any rights of a third party, the applicant is held legally responsible for any claims that may arise therefrom, and, by submitting a film, the applicant also agrees to indemnify and hold the event organizer harmless from any legal claims that may be brought against it.

Also, applicants and their works must fully comply with the Terms & Conditions set out herein.

The event organizer will not reimburse applicants for the costs incurred in relation to the preparation of their applications.


Copyright and User Rights

Applicants agree to the following with regard to their personality rights and copyright in their entries: by accepting the Eligibility Criteria set out herein, they accept that their works submitted to the Film Festival will be included in the Archives of the Museum of Ethnography, and the Museum will have the right to use them in various programmes, museum education sessions and self-organized exhibitions, without any limitation of time, area or method of use. Any other use is subject to a separate agreement. Applicants who do not agree to the above-mentioned terms of use must make a separate declaration to this effect on the entry form. Such a declaration will not disqualify the applicant from being nominated for the Film Festival. When applying to the Film Festival, applicants waive any and all claims for compensation and expenses, with the exception of the prizes they may win. 

The event organizer hereby reserves the right to change this Call for Entry.


Entries are welcome from 10 May 2024 at

Submission deadline: 10 June 2024


From the submitted works, a pre-jury will select the films for presentation at the Film Festival.

Filmmakers of the works that will successfully enter into the competition through the pre-selection will be notified via the email address stated on the respective entry forms.

On 15 July 2024, the event organizer will publish the list of films in competition on the website of the Museum of Ethnography.



Adult Category                                  Youth Category

1st prize:          HUF 200,000                         HUF 150,000

2nd prize:         HUF 150,000                         HUF 100,000

3rd prize:          HUF 100,000                         HUF 50,000



Technical information:
Erika Koltay
+36 30 668 6614
Youth Category



Edith Nagel
+36 30 606 9560