A place for you! Chair-Exhibition 
          21st may – 26th september 1999
Search for a place
Between the two World Wars researchers were interested in the problem of origin. They considered different forms of objects as parts of a series where more complicated ones were always developed from simpler ones (evolutionism). In the same period, the collection started to contain objects whose avant-courier had been a horse skull gathered in 1901. More chairs (27 pcs) were gathered in the collection until the end of World War II. than chests, boarded chests, cupboards and cabinets altogether. Out of these, eleven are small chairs that may be posed somewhere in the beginning of the supposed series of development of sitting furniture, among them objects like fungus chairs and a chair made of waterweed’s root.

„The present-day furniture of the peasant houses in the villages is certainly far more than that, and we may say that – compared with the houseroom – it is plenty and of great variety in the majority of the Hungarian peasant houses. Out of all this plenty, ethnography is primarily interested in the traditional things, and as the tradition seems more ancient the extent of interest grows. So we study those pieces of furniture more intensively which are – according to our specially oriented method of observation – ancient or at least they bear the trace of centuries old service. Also applying the significant achievements of linguistics and etymology we may also be able to throw some dim light on the phases of formation and evolution.”

Viski Károly: Bútorzat. [Furniture.] In uő (s. a. rend.): A magyarság néprajza. 1. kötet. Tárgyi néprajz. 2. kiadás. Budapest, 1941, Királyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, 217–218. p.

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Museum of Ethnography 1999