
The Night of the Museums

24/Jun/2017 - 25/Jun/2017

The Night of Museums in Budapest attracts a lot of young people and families  who are having a few drinks and wonder around in museums they are interested in. In that night the city is vibrating and people are walking on the streets with good mood and a long night ahead.

In Budapest all museums can be visited with one single wristband. The adult ones cost Ft 1700 and the children’s ones are Ft 800. 

Besides the ticket offices of BKK and those of the museums’ this year wristbands are also available on the website of „Jegymester” by clicking the link below:

By shopping tickets on visitors can get wristbands more comfortably, they don’t have to fit their programmes to the museum where they would like to buy their tickets, and in addition, they support the selected museum with the prise of the band. More information.