
Museum of Ethnography wins intʼl architecture prizes

After having already won the award for best European public building, Budapest's planned new ethnography museum has also won this year's "World's Best Architecture" award at the International Property Awards in London.


The design for Hungary’s new Ethnographic Museum, part of the Liget Project in Budapest, has been awarded the prize for the best public service architecture in Europe at the International Property Awards held in London.

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The new building is going to constructed at Ötvenhatosok Square in Budapest that was previously used for processions and parades and up until now, it has functioned as a parking lot. The winner plan was chosen by a professional jury as part of an international design contest, where surpassing several world-famous architects, the unrivalled plan of the Hungarian NAPUR Architects Ltd. was judged the best.

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The new museum building designed by Napur Architect has dynamic yet simple lines simultaneously harmonised with the park environment and communicating with the surrounding urban area. The purpose-built museum is designed with maximum consideration for the required functions, and thus facilitates the large-scale, modern, user-friendly operation of the institution to a significant degree, along with the visually enticing and diverse display of mankind’s material and spiritual heritage, as well as the collection comprising Hungarian and international material.

The award at the London ceremony was accepted by Benedek Gyorgyevics, CEO of Városliget Kft., the main contractor of the Liget Budapest Project. "This is a victory of historic proportions for Hungary, especially because the jury consisting of 80 experts from around the world chose a state investment," Benedek Gyorgyevics said. "The award draws attention not only to the excellent performance of Hungarian architecture but also to Hungarian innovation and culture in a more general sense."

 (Hungarian news agency/MTI)