

The series continues: sword with Spanish inscription

FROM THE STORAGE – WORKS OF ART YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE – the series continues: sword with Spanish inscription

Wednesdays at the museum are always interesting. This is when my colleague and I work in the Asia Collection. As a part of preparing for moving the museum collections, we are finding and solving problems. This story also started on a Wednesday like this.

A sword (inventory number: NM 119565) with a long steel blade widening downwards appeared. It has a carved horn handle decorated with inlaid brass metal-mounting. We noticed a Spanish inscription on the blade. We were so surprised that we translated the inscription quickly, which read as follows:

'No me saques sin razon; no me enbaines sin honor.'

(Do not pull me out without reason, don't put me in the case without honour.)

The sword arrived to the Museum of Ethnography in 1920, together with objects collected by Count Jenő Zichy on his third expedition to Asia. This raises several questions: how and where did the sword come to the Count? We are still looking for the answers to these questions, but it was certainly common for the Spanish to decorate their swords with a writing. The inscriptions are usually boastful and encouraging or simply threatening, often emphasising devotion to God and the king. What is interesting is that these inscriptions show different ethical and rhetorical traditions. Deeds must serve justice and the public good. The text also reminds the wearer of the enormous responsibility and risk of carrying a weapon. Most of the time these inscriptions are short, popular sayings with deep meanings, such as:

'My lady and my king say this is my law.'

'Toledo’s Loyalty.'

'The soldier's dream.'

'Against the enemy, never against a friend.'

‘Never pulling out in vain.’

'The sword does not kill, the sheath does not strengthen.'

‘We are looking forward to Wednesdays with puzzles like this!’

(Gracia Gallo)