Editor: Zsuzsa Szarvas

Volume 101 of the Ethnographic Bulletin – Néprajzi Értesítő

Néprajzi Értesítő, yearbook of the Museum of Ethnography

Museum of Ethnography, Budapest, 2021. 248 p.

The 101st volume of the Néprajzi Értesítő is an English-language volume containing studies published over the past 10 years, primarily dealing with or based on the collection material of the Museum of Ethnography. Its aim is to make the scholarly work carried out at the institution more accessible to international scholarship and to provide an insight into the diversity of the collection and the possibilities of interpretation.

We publish a volume that covers Hungarian and regional collections of the Museum, deals with the collections of objects as well as the Archives, processing exhibition, history of science, and institutional involvement. The selection analyses the various eras, both historic, and contemporary, represented by the museum’s collection, reacting as much to research topics that span multiple eras in its history as to inquiry entailing a degree of self-reflection.


Table of Contents

Lajos Kemecsi

Zsuzsa Szarvas
Celebrating the 100th Issue of Néprajzi Értesítő

János Gyarmati
The Very Beginning
The Formation of the Collection of the Museum of Ethnography

Péter Granasztói
Between Barn and Grammar School
The history of the first architectural competition for the Museum of Ethnography’s building, 1923

Lajos Kemecsi
The Politics of Memory and Ethnographic Museums

Tímea Bata
On the Trail
Székely Gates and Wooden Churches
The Photographic Work of Teacher Gábor Szinte (1855–1914)

Emese Szojka
Anatomy of a Collection
The Ethnographic Artefacts of Lajos Fülep

Mónika Lackner– Zsuzsanna Tasnádi
“Old and New Embroideries”
The life of Jolán Ferenczi

Hajnalka Fülöp
Kalotaszeg Trousseaus at the Museum of Ethnography
Examples from Kalotaszentkirály and Inaktelke: Bringing Two Material Worlds to Life

Gábor Wilhelm
Memory and Material Culture
The ‘Story Cloths’ of Hmong Refugees

Zsófia Frazon – Mónika Lackner
A Pathway through the Permanent Exhibition Folk Culture of the Hungarians