
Museum Shop

Dear Visitor,

It is the sincere wish of the Museum of Ethnography its extensive collections and exhibitions be used to provide visitors of all ages with exciting, interesting programmes to probe and explore, and to promote the development of a lasting dialogue between not only the museum and its audience, but also different cultures and generations.

We strive to offer information that is novel and intriguing, knowledge that may foster deeper thought on a variety of familiar topics.  Our programmes encourage curiosity and inventiveness, making accommodation for the expression of both intellectual, and creative energies.  The hope is that together, we can both receive, and engender value that transcends the time and space of the individual museum event.

The museum offers colourful programmes for children, youth, and adults, along with museum education classes to both support and complement regular school studies. 

The institution additionally offers training seminars for teachers, methodology presentations, and consultation for professionals seeking aid in various projects.

Our offerings are always changing.  For more on current family and adult programmes, click here.

For more on themed museum education classes and arts and crafts programmes, click here.

Museum education staff:

Kata Bodnár
(museum classes, interactive tours,
arts and crafts programmes)

+36 (1) 473-2439
+36 (30) 558-8022

Erika Koltay
(museum classes, interactive tours,
theatrical presentations, TÁMOP programmes)
+36 (1) 473-2439
+36 (30) 668-6614

Communication Department
Museum Education Workshop
1055 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos tér 12.
Telephone: +36 (1) 473-2433, +36 (1) 473-2439