
The Night of Museums

From the Moccasin to the Ballet Shoe 24/Jun/2017 - 25/Jun/2017

This year’s Museums’ Night program builds on Bocskor, Boot, PadukaAdventures in Footwear, the temporary exhibition that opened at the Museum of Ethnography this spring, along with a display of the institution’s own posh interiors.  In the focal point of the evening is a stage show featuring dances and dance shoes from various cultures, invlufinh Native American, Japanese, Classical Ballet, Tango, and others. Following the demonstration, the program will continue with visitor participation, culminating in an opportunity for audiences to learn and perform traditional Greek dances.


6:00 p.m.   Slipper, Keychain, Shoelace:  handicrafts workshop for children and adults (1st Floor).

8:00 p.m.   Silent Dance Films “Revamped”:  Bringing back the atmosphere of old-time moving pictures with folk music (Atrium).

9:45 p.m.  Australian Aboriginal Dance – Unusual film showing on the walls of the museum Atrium.

10:00 p.m.   From the Moccasin to the Ballet Shoe.  Stage show featuring classical ballet; Native American, Japanese, African, and traditional Hungarian dance; and tango (Atrium).

12:00 a.m.   Ney concert.  With Budapest’s Neyhane Ensemble (Atrium).

12:30 a.m. Greek Dance Instruction.  With Angelidis Vasilis and his Orchestra (Atrium).

(Program may be subject to change.)