
Lamb of God

Depictions of the Agnus Dei on Folk Artefacts 19/Sep/2009 - 28/Feb/2010
As part of a series of events held for Sacred Arts Week, the chamber exhibition Lamb of God acquaints visitors with one of the universal symbols of Christian iconography. The Agnus Dei motif, consisting of a lamb - or occasionally horse or lion - with a flag raised between its front legs has its origins in ancient Christianity.


In Hungary, the earliest depictions of the Agnus Dei are found on the carved stones of village churches, though the symbol did not become truly widespread until the advent of the Baroque. The holdings of the Museum of Ethnography include numerous artefacts featuring this noted symbol of the Christ.

Variations on the motif are found on a range of folk artefacts, including sheet and pillow case edgings, woven textiles, wafer moulds, clothes mangles, and inlay chests, most of them dating to the 18th and 19th centuries. The material on display familiarises the visitor with the characteristic forms taken by the Agnus Dei, while offering a glimpse of some pieces from the museum's diverse collections that have rarely been seen by the public.

Curator: Krisztina Sedlmayr