
OBJECTIVE_CASE → Subjective Ethnography

Study Exhibition 22/Feb/2013 - 10/Jul/2013
Thirty-three artefacts, seven photographs: classic ethnographic subject matter comprising objects of both antiquity and modernity. Decorative art, ancient forms, mass products, custom design: together - as in a museum collection - these artefacts have much to tell us about past and present; have the opportunity of presenting their similarities and differences in juxtaposition, of arguing with one another, of making a colourful pattern.

What do a finely crafted, 19th-century leather saddle and a child's injected-moulded plastic motorcycle have in common? Is there some agreement beyond the superficial to be found between a fork and spoon set made from the beak of a spoonbill and a set of disposable eating utensils? Do we ever ponder the technological changes an oil lamp or a hand-cranked dynamo torch represent to the culture of light and lighting? How do a rain hat and a cyclist's helmet protect differently? What do a hand-carved dining chair and an inflatable armchair have to say about topics like home decorating, comfort, and storage. What do they have to say about museum science?
What stories do artefacts have to tell us? Who are the storytellers? The scholars who study them? The experts who inventory them? The designers who produce them? The passer-by? Your neighbour? We, ourselves? All of the above?

In Objective Case, a museum collection tells its stories: artefacts of various materials, ages, decorative types, and levels of craftsmanship; some having come here a century or more ago, others having arrived only yesterday; each bearing its own opportunities, each suggesting different relationships. Some of the stories are very familiar to us, others less so - but we will keep the questions coming for as long as we can manage to ask them.

Objective Case offers special, interactive museum time for groups of all ages. Its unusual activities teach visitors about both the artefacts themselves, and the system of symbols employed in their display.
All group activities are held by museologist Zsófia Frazon and museum educator Emese Joó. The museum pedagogy and androgogy program is open, with all methodology and graphic material from previously held programs available online via the Museum of Ethnography's museum pedagogy Web site.

Concept, organisation: Zsófia Frazon
Museum education: Emese Joó
Art direction, graphics: Narmer Építészstúdió

Objective Case -> Subjective Ethnography - audio installation in seven sketches
Written by: József Keresztesi, literary critic, poet, lyricist, and slam poet
Performed by: Zsolt Máthé, Ádám Schönberger, Kata Péter, and Csilla Radnay
Audio engineers: Péter Benjamin Lukács, Zoltán Vadon, and Rudolf Várhegyi
Burgonya written and performed by: Zsolt Máthé; music by Gábor Keresztes

Objective Case -> Subjective Ethnography - Exhibition Catalogue and Audio Book (DVD)
Graphics: Márton János Kemény
Programming: Mariann Kovács-Szabó
Photography: Krisztina Sarnyai
Editing: Zsófia Frazon