Research Services

Research Services

Guide to conducting research among the collections of the Museum of Ethnography


Research within the Museum of Ethnography archives, art work registry, and collection storerooms may be conducted only by persons possessing prior, valid, written permission. Research permits may be requested in advance, in writing, using the form downloadable here. In case of research within the Archive Collections (Slides, Documents, Photography, Film and Video, Manuscripts, Folk Music, and Drawings, Paintings, and Prints Collections), send your completed form to In case of research within the Collections of Artefacts, send your completed form to

Research permits are issued by the director of the museum within 15 days of submission of the appropriate request form, subject to consultation with the curator of the collection in question.

Restrictions against issuing permits may apply in situations listed under Section 5, par. 1 of Governmental Decree No. 47/2001 (III.27), while permission may be refused pursuant to Section 3, par. 2., Section 4, par. 2, Section 5, pars. 2, 3, and 4, and Section 6 of the same decree, or as pertaining to archive materials pursuant to Act LXVI of 1995 on Archive Documents.

Research permits are valid only in conjunction with a statement on the part of the researcher, declaring that he or she understands the museum's regulations on research and will respect copyright law and regulations regarding publishing restrictions and systems of reference. Researchers must also agree to send a bibliography of their published works describing material used in their research to the Ethnological Archives of the museum. Research permits are non-transferable.

Please find detailed descriptions of the artefact and archive collections here.

Before conducting on-site research, please review our on-line database, where you will find images and information on all the artefacts, photographs, drawings, films, and folk music our staff has digitally processed to date!



ARTEFACT RECORDS (artefact database)

Research by appointment, subject to presentation of a valid research license 


Change effective January, 2016 regarding individual research conducted among the collections of the Museum of Ethnography
The year 2015 witnessed the start of preliminary work on the Museum’s move to its new facilities.  The work in question, which affects primarily its artefact collections, will grow in importance during the year 2016.  During the period to come, the institution will be fundamentally occupied with a complete overview of its material holdings, including audits, assessments, and warehouse organisation. To facilitate ease of interim retrieval, the planning of the new storage system, and rationalisation of work, while reorganisation is taking place, the Museum will be forced to limit access to its collections for the purposes of research.

Starting 1 March 2016, all research in artefact storage areas will be suspended indefinitely.

For the time being, the above measures will not affect researchers seeking access to the Ethnological Archives.

ARCHIVE COLLECTIONS (Ethnological Archives)

On-site research among the museum's archive collections (Slides, Documents, Photography, Film and Video, Manuscripts, Folk Music, and Drawings, Paintings, and Prints Collections) may be conducted using the museum's card catalogue, indexed by geographical location, subject area, or for some collections, by author.