
Exodus – Witnessing modern migration

World Press Photo 2016 accompanying exhibition 23/Sep/2016 - 23/Oct/2016
For the first time in the 100-year history of the Pulitzer Prize Hungarians were awarded in New York what is probably the highest honour in the journalism profession. Photographers Laszlo Balogh and Bernadett Szabo made it onto the winning Reuters team with their photos of the refugee crisis.

Fotó: Szabó Bernadett
Fotó: Szabó Bernadett

As the refugee crisis spread from Turkey to Greece and on through the Balkans, Reuters sent photographers to document the mass migration. The images that emerged countrz bz country added up to a material of Biblical proportions. Therein lies the power of the portfolio: tossed about at sea, waiting in refugee camps, crammed in train cars or slogging along country roads, rain or shine, day or night, there was one constant in the lives of the refugees: the road.

Fotó: Balogh László
Fotó: Balogh László

Upstairs the first floor in “Díszterem” are the winning photo series by Reuters, as well as further pictures from Balogh and Szabo of the refugee crisis.

Fotó: Yannis Behrakis
Fotó: Yannis Behrakis

Entrance fee:

Adults: 2100 Ft
Students: 1000 Ft
Family ticket (1-2 adoults, 1-3 children): 4400 Ft

Valid for all exhibitions of the Museum of Ethnography.

Opening hours:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday 10 a. m. - 6 p. m.

Friday, Sunday, and 23 of October: 10 a. m. - 8 p. m.
Closed on Monday

Pulitzer awarded Reuters series

Reuters - Photos by László Balogh

Reuters - Photos by Szabó Bernadett